Dublin Elementary School Read-a-thon

It is time to read, read, read and gather sponsors from January 21st (8 AM)- February 4th
(8 AM) for the Super Bowl Read-a-thon!! This fintastic event encourages students to enjoy
reading while assisting them in honing their reading skills.

Top fundraising classes, and classes with the top minutes will be recognized. Each
classroom will also select TWO Most Valuable Readers (MVR) based upon effort,
improvement, or enthusiasm (not necessarily total minutes read) to be recognized.

  • Reading logs are due February 7th
  • Final day for donations are February 23rd


  • Money raised for Read-a-thon will be used your child’s teacher for classroom supplies and materials
  • 10% of the total money raised will go towards buying new books for our DES library
  • Any funds received from corporate matching will support the Dublin Elementary School PFC, used for our DES students and staff